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Clinical biology
Every products of the following list are part of the Biosystems catalog.

Item Code Size Type
IFA - IgG FITC/EVANS (HEp-2)446973.0 mLAuto immune desease
IFA - IgGAM FITC/EVANS (M)445962.5 mLAuto immune desease
IFA - IgGAM FITC/EVANS (R)445902.5 mLAuto immune desease
IFA - MOUNTING MEDIUM446943 mLAuto immune desease
IFA - NEGATIVE CONTROL446960.3 mLAuto immune desease
IFA - PBS (10X)44592100 mLAuto immune desease
IgG FITC CONJUGATE (HEp-2)4483810 mLAuto immune desease
MONKEY HEART (MH)4457112 slidesAuto immune desease
Monkey Cerebelum (MC)4468412 slides x 4wAuto immune desease
Monkey Hypophysis (MHY)4458912 slidesAuto immune desease
Monkey Hypotalamus (MHT)4456712 slides x 4wAuto immune desease
Monkey Ovary (MO)4457312 slidesAuto immune desease
Monkey Sciatic Nerve (MSN)4468512 slides x 4wAuto immune desease
Monkey Testicle (MTS)4456612 slidesAuto immune desease
Rat Kidney Medulla (RKm)4470212 slidesAuto immune desease
Rat Striated Muscle (RSM)4464912 slidesAuto immune desease

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